Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The seventeenth video, lady, arabic

I printed the screen, and used that image of the lady in a reverse image search engine called "tineye"

search for "tineye" here

It turns out to be an Iranian singer, Mahasti. You can go about reading her wikipedia page when in fact only one thing is important, her Date of Death. She died on the 25th of June 2007.

in 2007, the Brotherhood 2.0, where John and Hank posted videos daily, was active. There's video uploaded on that same exact date.

Here it is:

In the TINT video, LOOK AT THE TAGS, and find what you think it is in the vlogbrothers video.

the answer is (highlight to expose)

"you're 80 and 'cross' over 25"

the image's name is i80
you should get a wiki page

find what corresponds to 25

the "which means urine" actually means "which means YOU'RE IN?"

so where is that 25 in?

the answer is cheyennewyoming (highlight to expose)

the alphabets in the picture are in reverse order
but that doesn't matter

the letters below are coded with a cipher called the 'Caesar cipher' which is a substitution of a letter which shift the entire set of aphabet downwards-upwards. google it to know more.

copy the text and use ^ to decipher
scroll through each of the option because the neat part is,unlike normal ciphers where one key can decipher all, in this, one key deciphers one word while leaving the rest scrambled, so jot down the deciphered words

the deciphered text is " name of the actor that played cypher in the matrix" (highlight to expose)

but if you still cant -_____- drop a call for help in the chatbox

P.S. As you may already know, ThisIsNotTom was created by John Green back in 2009. He's now a best selling author. The movie The Fault In Our Stars was based on a book by him. If you liked TINT and also The Fault in Our Stars, you should check out the book that made me cry when I was supposed to be a super macho teenage boy, Looking for Alaska. You can get it here.

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